Friday, July 19, 2013

Celebrity Inspiration?

I'm not big on following celebrity styles, or fancying any particullar famous person.
But since most bloggers seem to do so I too decided to pick at least one celebrity who's style I could adapt for my own...

Jessica Alba seems to be know for her bikini body, and pics with her wearing less clothing than more...but whenever I see pics of her just running around with her kids, I love the fact that she's still well put together-I'd like to imagine that's how I would be.
 I don't have any kids-ONE might be plausible in the near future :)
But I certainly don't want to be the mom who sleeps,eats, and does everything in her pajama bottoms!

You can be stylish without having a paid consultant with you at all times.

Now if I could just have her body (personal trainer) right after I have a baby...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Husband Calls Me John

So another obsession I had...
I wanted round sunglasses, Chanel  or Cartier would've been nice, but totally out of my price range-altough I did a lot of searching on eBay and Etsy!

As it seems I'm the luckiest girl on earth, couple of weeks ago I was shopping at my local Goodwill...I was done, standing at the register waiting for my total and I decided to glance at the pile of sunglasses on the counter and what do I spy with my little eyes!

These glasses are not quite round, but slightly oval. I can deal with that.
Closer examination revealed that they are Giorgio Armani glasses...and with the price tag of $7.99 I grabbed them fast, didn't even need to try them on!

I like them. My husband calls me John-as in John Lennon. 
Oh well, what does he know anyway :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Just Like Grandma's Jars!

No need to say since I'm from Finland, Arabia and Marimekko are my favorites when it comes to home decor (and I like Marimekko's clothing too!).
I've been lucky enough to acquire some vintage pieces from relatives, those are my treasures, and also purchase some.

This Arabia "orange" jar I found on Etsy, and got a very good deal on it compared to the prices in Finland. My grand mom has the same one!

Last weekend walking around the neighborhood I stopped in my next door vintage shop.
I wasn't really looking for anything, but as soon as I saw these jars on the sale section in the back, I immediately pictured them in my kitchen!

Three pretty metal jars from the 70's! They're no brand in particular, but they match my yellow kitchen walls perfectly. 

These are great for storing those seeds and such ingredients that I'd like to use everyday, but forget when they are stuffed inside a cabinet in a boring plastic bag...

Like flaxseeds and trail mix!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Mulberry!

I remember first hearing about Mulberry from my mom. She told me her dream was one day own a Mulberry agenda/day-planner.
For myself, Mulberry was nowhere near my top 10 designer wants until recently I've started paying more attention to European fashions, and reading tons of blogs from fellow Finns.
What can I say, I'm easily influenced.

And here it is. My very own Mulberry bag.
I did my usual rounds on eBay, Etsy and other sites...researching what these bags went for in USA, and I have to say unfortunately for my fellow europeans the market seems to be better here.

Not too long ago I saw a Mulberry Alexa bag on the Goodwill auctions website. I was bidding on it-and if I wasn't tight on money, I would have the bag now. The final selling price was around $360, makes me sick to my stomach! The new Alexa retails on both sides of $2000!
And this purse was in excellent condition....

Very well, I figured I'll keep my eyes open (=on the computer screen!) and couple of weeks later this bag popped up on the same (one of my favorites) Goodwill auctions site. 
For some reason I thought their pictures and the description didn't make justice for the value of the bag, so I figured I may have a good chance to get a great deal!
So I waited till the end of the auction and bid on it and voila! I paid $44.

It's not Alexa, I'd rather have a bigger purse for all my belongings-but for the price and the feeling that I now own a Mulberry bag... :)

I love the fact this has long enough strap so I can wear it cross body, and it's big enough for my essentials when heading out-keys, lipgloss, phone and my wallet.
This bag is older style, so I don't know what it's called. I'd love to know if someone has an idea!

As for my mom, soon she will get her wish. She raised a very frugal and cheap girl-in a good way!
I'm working on finding her dream agenda....and I have some good deals out there!